Well for starters, my winter break has been pretty good and I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve gotten to hang out with friends, work tons of hours, make new friends, see old friends, eat chick fla a, work more ridiculous hours, watch new movies, buy new seasons of The Office and Smallville on dvd, buy new clothes, play video games, buy more clothes, go to the dentist, go back to the dentist, party on new years eve, and the list goes on and on :). But it’s been a great break. Part of me is ready to go back to college though and get back in the groove of things and see my friends there, but another part of me is really going to miss Dallas. I love my job at AE and I miss certain friends and seeing them only a couple times every 4 months or so sucks.  But I guess that’s just life for ya (or maybe it’s just me). But anyways. Enough about school. I have tons of pics that I need to upload but can’t do so until I get back to Huntsville, where my computer is. So be looking for those in a couple weeks. For you basketball fans reading this, the Mavs won tonight against the Warriors, making them 2-0 this season against the team that beat them in the 1st round in the playoffs last season. Also, David Letterman is supporting a new beard on his late night show, as I saw an article on Yahoo! about it. Not his best look. And finally, the movie I am Legend was way better than I anticipated and I am definitely buying it on DVD. Will Smith gave another superb performance. So goodnight all you bloggers and remember, always wash your feet because feet are gross :p.